Howl | Herbert Elsky on Ginsberg

It’s 1955 and the unknown poet Allen Ginsberg recites his new poem Howl which marked a change in American poetry. The film Howl shows how Ginsberg’s publisher is put to trial because of obscenity in the poem, in particular the line: ‘who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy’. This trial is intercut with Ginsberg (James Franco) being interviewed, scenes from his life and animated segments of the poem. Not many people know Buddhism was an important inspiration for Ginsberg. Cultuur op de Campus and the Soeterbeeck Programma invited the American artist and Buddhist Herbert Elsky who worked together with Ginsberg. He will talk about their joint passion for Buddhism and the role it played in Ginsberg’s poetry. Jaap van den Bent, lecturer English literature and specialist of the Beat Generation, will moderate the Q&A-session after the film.

Entree €1,50

CC 3, CollegezalenComplex, Mercatorpad 1